CBRE Raises £1million For Macmillan Cancer Support

18 July 2023

Global real estate provider, CBRE, has raised £1 million for its UK charity partner Macmillan Cancer Support – doubling its initial fundraising target of £500,000. 

CBRE’s partnership with Macmillan Cancer Support, one of the largest British charities that provides specialist health care, information, and financial support to people affected by cancer, began in 2021.  

The money raised has funded seven of Macmillan’s support line employees, who to date have answered approximately 20,000 enquiries and unlocked almost £5m in financial gains for people living with cancer.

Steve Timbs, Executive Director and sponsor of CBRE UK’s charity partnership said: “This is a very proud moment for us, and I would like to thank Macmillan for allowing CBRE to be part of its incredible mission. I also want to thank all our colleagues and clients who have offered their support and commitment to our many fundraising initiatives. 

“This year has been a fantastic year for our partnership in particular. We’ve run marathons, cycled, rowed, hiked, and have swum across the channel. We’ve also logged more than 5000 hours of volunteering, made 200 plus care packages for Macmillan, and made over 300 calls to support people living with cancer. It’s been a tremendous team effort to reach this milestone moment.” 

Will Ventham, who heads CBRE’s Birmingham office, said: “Since the start of our relationship with Macmillan we’ve hosted bake sales and a pancake flipathon, undertaken a wolf run,  organised a regional hike in 2022 with one to follow later this year, as well as participating in a rowing event. In addition to raising much-needed cash for this wonderful cause, these events have been great for team building, engaging staff across our Birmingham office.”

Emily Shelford, Head of Partnership Management at Macmillan Cancer Support commented: “In 2021 CBRE and Macmillan Cancer Support came together to tackle financial hardship and loneliness for people affected by cancer. Since then, people living with cancer in the UK have experienced social restrictions, rising energy bills, and a cost-of-living crisis. 

“Throughout this time CBRE’s incredible fundraising efforts have ensured our Macmillan Support Line teams were there to answer questions and provide a shoulder to lean on. We are incredibly proud of CBRE for reaching the £1 million milestone and are so grateful for the significant difference that this has made for the people we support.”

In the UK, one in two people will receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, and alongside physical and mental health fears, cancer can cost people their jobs, financial security, and even their homes.

Picture caption: 

CBRE hike (Will Ventham, fourth from left)