Colmore BID funds project to improve accessibility on the District’s streets

31 May 2024

Making Better, Safer Streets in the District

Colmore Business Improvement District (BID) is pleased to announce the funding of a fresh project that sets new standards in the District’s streets for accessibility and cycling.

The Accessible and Sustainable Working Group, led by Paul Fielding, has been concerned for the legibility and safety of none-car users across the city centre. This new project works alongside the team at Birmingham City Council that is designing new street configurations and is a key step forward in the organisation’s BID4 Business Plan 2024-2029.

The collaborative work between the Council and Colmore BID will focus on Colmore Row and the routes that lead to and from Birmingham’s principal street, setting these new standards of best practice. The Council team will then rapidly cascade these ideas and tools across the whole city centre.

Paul Fielding said: “I am very pleased that we are leading on this project at Colmore BID. We have heard from cyclists that moving across the city centre is far more complex than cycling in and out on the blue routes from neighbourhoods, so I look forward to the outcomes”.

Colmore BID has appointed Sustrans, the UK-wide charity, helping people to walk, wheel, and cycle on the National Cycle Network, as leaders in ensuring accessibility for everyone. Alistair Crisp of Sustrans added: “This project will help push Birmingham’s active travel ambition to the forefront of pan-disability access across our city centre and beyond. We look forward to engaging with stakeholders throughout this process to gather a range of experiences and views.”

The Business Improvement District was delighted when Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) match-funded the project to allow the team to undertake a full consultation with the communities of interest.

Sandeep Shingadia, Director for Strategic Partnerships and Integration at Transport for West Midlands said: “TfWM is supporting this work as it is recognised that improving road safety can encourage more people to cycle and walk, especially for shorter journeys, helping to reduce traffic congestion, cut carbon emissions and improve air quality.”

The date for the consultation is Thursday 13 June 2024. For more information about the event and how to book your place, click here.