Colmore BID makes its Net Zero Pledge

29 May 2024

Colmore Business District (BID) has committed to the West Midlands Net Zero Pledge.

The pledges are managed by Sustainability West Midlands and the West Midlands Combined Authority. Colmore BID has outlined its commitment towards a net zero future by signing up to the West Midlands Net Zero Pledge.  Colmore BID is now listed on the pledge website.

Over the coming weeks and months, Colmore BID will be promoting best practice and guidance for businesses in the District related to energy, carbon and sustainability – a clear commitment in the BID4 business plan for 2024-2029.

Paul Fielding, Deputy Chair of the Colmore BID Board and Chair of the Accessible & Sustainable Working Group said: “This is step one on our journey deeper into sustainability and we are keen to support our levy payers of all sizes to do the same. We know many of our businesses are a long way into this process, whereas others are looking to begin their journey. We will be providing a range of information and events to help our levy payers achieve net zero. Watch this space for more announcements.”