Walk In Her Shoes – Summer 2024
Women and Girls have the right to feel safe within our publicly accessible locations. However we know the reality is somewhat different, particularly in city centre locations.
Colmore BID is helping to tackle ‘Violence, Intimidation & Abuse of Women & Girls’ (VAIWG) through its ground-breaking Colmore Women’s Safety Forum & virtual Network. A number of initiatives and partnerships have been created to facilitate both welcoming and safe experiences for any women who work, visit or pass thought the Colmore Business District.
‘Walk in Her Shoes’ is taking place on Thursday 11 July and follows a successful ‘Walk with Women’ event hosted by Colmore BID in December 2023.
The aim of this event is to highlight issues of women’s safety in public spaces, and the work being undertaken by Colmore BID and particularly the Colmore Women’s Safety Forum as part of our early intervention and prevention strategy in keeping women safe.
The ’Walk In Her Shoes’ event is focusing on summer safety of women in public spaces. The walk will benefit from the participation and support of the following partners:
- West Midlands Police
- West Midlands Safer Travel Partnership
- WAITS (Women Acting in Today’s Society)
- The Hollie Gazzard Trust
- Women in Transport
The route of the walk, together with stop point locations and speakers, can be found below.
Kelsey Dwyer and Paul Street (Co-coordinators of Colmore Women’s Safety Forum) and Marcia Lewinson (WAITS) will close the walk in a gathering at Colmore Square.
What you can expect:
Start – Snow Hill Square at 11:30am
Welcome, Healthy and Safety Brief and introduction to the Safer Travel Partnership
Trip stop locations: Fazenda, Victoria Square, PWC, Purecraft, Waterloo Street, Temple Row, Cathedral Sqaure (Pigeon Park), Priory Rooms.
Topics covered: Licensing SAVI initiative and venues, speakers with lived experience, Building & Facilities Manager forum, Ask for Angela, BID services, Safe & Sound projects, Active Bystander examples and HollieGuard demonstration.
Finish – Colmore Square 13:00pm
Address by WAITS, Paul Street and Kelsey Dwyer.