Colmore BID ACT ‘Strategic’ Tabletop Exercise
Refreshments Provided
This ACT Strategic event will be delivered by representatives from Counter Terrorism Policing West Midlands, and is aimed at organisational decision-makers.
The session will be a discussion based workshop to develop understanding and share best practice to help organisations prepare strategies to manage and recover from a terrorist attack.
The format of the session will be a hybrid of front-loaded information and presentations as well as interactive discussions and group exercises.
This event is part of a suite of services provided by Colmore BID’s Safe & Sound thematic working group. It complements the existing work streams and projects that promote the PREPARE and PROTECT strands of CONTEST; the UK’s Counter Terrorism Strategy.
Participation in this free-to-attend event is strictly limited to invited executive and middle management decision-makers based in the Colmore Business District.
Registration for this event is only via this Eventbrite process.
Please note, a working lunch and tea/coffee/water will be provided.
RSVP required, all queries need to be directed to Paul Street, Project Manager – Safe & Sound via email