Elevate: The Stories of Birmingham Brands

03 July 2024
18:00 - 21:00

You’re invited to Learn. Drink. Network.

This summer, vbx are hosting a networking event to bring local Birmingham based businesses together. They shall be providing a space for individuals within the industry to network and gain insights into brand growth.

Come along to meet like minded professionals and listen to the success stories from Birmingham brands – from iconic streetwear brand Hoodrich, to our event venue Eighteen, and of course the event host, vbx!

Learn: from Birmingham businesses about how they’ve elevated to success and gain tips on how you can grow your businesses brand

Drink: a complementary selection of beverages (canapés shall also be provided)

Network: with your Birmingham neighbours in a relaxed setting


Join the team at Eighteen, on the 18th floor, 103 Colmore Row, B3 3AG. The event will take place on Wednesday, 3rd July, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

RSVP: https://vbx-learn-drink-network.online-rsvp.com

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