Emerging Artists Shine in Birmingham’s Open Art Competition

12 July 2024

Colmore Business District (BID), in partnership with Central BID, is proud to announce the winners of the highly anticipated Birmingham Creates: The Open art competition, celebrating the vibrant talent of Birmingham’s emerging artists.

After an extensive evaluation by an esteemed judging panel and an enthusiastic public vote, three exceptional artists have been awarded top honours.

The exhibition has been extended due to popular demand and local people have until the 1 August to view the winning and shortlisted artworks in Snow Hill Square.

Overall Winner:

Ava Khera

“Nature’s Embrace” 2023, oil on linen.

Khera Ava Natures Embrace Oil On Canvas Winner Emerging Artists Shine in Birmingham's Open Art Competition

Ava Khera is an award-winning artist best known for her figurative work in her signature painterly realist style. Based in Birmingham, Ava has an exquisite eye for design and attention to detail with a unique expression of emotional depth. With a previous 8-year career in design before pursuing her passion in fine art, Ava now combines her curiosity of the modern female experience with her love of the natural world, expressed through poetic storytelling and transcendent atmospheres in her work.

She commented on her win, saying, “I’m incredibly honoured to have my work recognised in such a prestigious competition. Birmingham’s art scene is thriving, and I’m proud to be part of it. Thank you to Colmore BID and the judges for this incredible opportunity.”

Ava’s work is receiving global recognition through gallery exhibitions. In 2023, she received the Women In Art Prize Flux Exhibition Prize in London and has also recently exhibited at the Mall Galleries with the first Annual Women in Art Fair. You can follow Ava on Instagram @avakheraart or view more of her work at www.avakheraart.com.

Highly Commended:

David Collier

Rotunders” 2024, Photomontage

DCrotunders Highly Commended Emerging Artists Shine in Birmingham's Open Art Competition

David Collier’s “Rotunders” received high commendation for its poignant reflection on the city’s-built environment history. His winning piece is a photomontage based on the original plans for Birmingham City Centre, to build five Rotundas to represent the human hand. Unfortunately, the plans were never realised. It’s important to note, David may have flexed his artistic license in the narrative of this work.

He expressed his gratitude, stating, “Opportunity’s for unknown artists are few and far between, so it was a welcome surprise to see this positive initiative by Colmore Business District to give local artists the opportunity to have their work’s shown in a public arena. Let’s hope there’s more to come. Thank you to the judges and everyone involved.”

David Collier is a Birmingham-based artist and has been producing work in the city since the 1990s. He studied art and design at UCE Birmingham and achieved a BA in Art & Design in 1999. Since then, he has gone on to produce a consistent and impressive body of work. He spent years working in the film industry, with credits on films like Harry Potter.

You can follow David on Instagram @nospaceartgallery or visit www.david-collier.uk.

People’s Choice Winner:

Misha Leigh Raybone

‘Stained Glass Gator (2022)’

Raybone Misha Stained Glass Gators Digital Peoples Choice Emerging Artists Shine in Birmingham's Open Art Competition

As an illustrator, Misha takes inspiration from a child’s love of creating without boundaries and expectations. In her recent digital ‘365 Days Gator’ project, Misha drew different whimsical costumed alligators for each day of the year.

Misha received her level three Diploma in Art and Design from UAL, Birmingham in 2016. Since leaving school, she has continued to create artwork while working full-time for the NHS in Organ Donation.

Her work, including the rest of the ‘365 Days Gator’ project and more can be viewed on Instagram @Archmage_Misha.

Misha said: “Thank you so much to local people for supporting the exhibition and voting my ‘Stained Glass Gator’ artwork as their favourite. I’m really pleased that my art makes people happy and puts a smile on their face.”

The overall winner has been awarded a £2,000 prize, and the Highly Commended and People’s Choice winners will each receive £1,000. The prize for all three winners includes a full portfolio review undertaken by Colley Ison Gallery.

Colmore BID developed the initiative for the ‘Birmingham Creates: The Open’ competition and exhibition, as well as leading on the project’s curation. Central BID is a key supporting partner in funding and installing the exhibition in Victoria Square and part-funding the prize money.

Melanie Williams, Chair of Colmore BID’s Outstanding Places Working Group praised the artists and the community’s involvement:

She commented: “We are proud to see such a fantastic response to Birmingham Creates: The Open art competition. The talent displayed by these emerging artists is a testament to Birmingham’s vibrant art scene. Colmore BID is committed to fostering creativity and providing opportunities for local emerging artists to shine. Congratulations to all the winners and participants, and a heartfelt thank you to the public for their enthusiastic support.”

With the open art exhibition proving popular with local people, the exhibition has been extended and will remain in Snow Hill Square until 1 August. The winning pieces will be displayed at Snow Hill Square offering the public a chance to experience the incredible talent of Birmingham’s artists up close.

Birmingham Creates: The Open is part of 100 Days of Creativity, an extensive programme of artistic events and activities being staged in Birmingham this summer until Monday 26 August.

With the help of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, City Curator Alex Nicholson-Evans joined forces with West Midlands Growth Company, Colmore BID, Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce. Culture Central, Birmingham City Council, Central BID, Jewellery Quarter BID and Southside BID to bring this festival to Birmingham.

Colmore BID is a professional services Business Improvement District established in 2009 covering a specific geography in the city core. Since its inception, the BID has carried out many success projects, including award winning public realm schemes on Cornwall Street and Colmore Row, Community Support services and the Colmore Food Festival.

Recognised as one of the leading BIDs in the country through initiatives focused on providing value and quality to levy-payers, Colmore BID works to create a thriving environment for businesses, residents, and visitors.

For more information about ‘Birmingham Creates: The Open’ exhibition and competition, please visit colmorebusinessdistrict.com.