Empowering Women and Enhancing Safety: My Journey with the Colmore BID Women’s Safety Forum

11 July 2024

Nadia 2 Empowering Women and Enhancing Safety: My Journey with the Colmore BID Women’s Safety Forum

A Bit About Me

Hello, I’m Nadia Johnstone-Smith, a Financial Planner at Quilter Cheviot Financial Planning. Over the past decade, I have dedicated my career to financial services in Birmingham, driven by a passion to improve women’s financial wellbeing and empower them to take control of their financial futures.

When I learned that Colmore BID had established a forum dedicated to the safety of women in the Colmore District, I was eager to get involved. Having worked for two businesses in the area, I take pride in seeing women’s safety prioritised. The initiative to enhance safety within the District is crucial, and I firmly believe in our shared responsibility to improve the facilities and support available.

My Role

As a Women’s Safety Forum member, I attend bi-monthly meetings where we collaborate and share ideas. My interest in women’s safety and wellbeing drives me to highlight collaboration opportunities with other forum members on events and initiatives that support safety. Through the forum, I have had the privilege to collaborate with WAITS (Women Acting in Today’s Society) to discuss the signs and impact of financial abuse and control. These collaborative efforts are bolstered by our mutual goal of improving women’s safety, bringing in specialist speakers and creating impactful discussions.

What I Enjoy Most About the Forum

The most rewarding aspect of being part of the forum is connecting with like-minded individuals who are equally dedicated to advocating for change and enhancing women’s safety in the Colmore District. Together, we are creating a safer and more supportive environment for everyone in our community.

Joining the Colmore BID Forum has been a fulfilling experience, and I look forward to continuing our work to make a tangible difference in the lives of women in the Colmore District.