Cleaner Colmore

Welcome to the Cleaner Colmore zone, for sustainable futures for all.

Our ambition is to help all businesses in Colmore BID look to the future and find tools and links to helpful places.  We have created three areas where you can find a range of information.

Resources – sources of information and links to organisations we work with or have verified.  We will post here about events and projects too, hosted either by us or Colmore BID members.

Funding – where grants and support can be sourced, to help you on your way.

The Colmore BID story – how we are evolving our own journey from a good place to better, in the environment, social and governance sectors.

We will be updating and adding data under each of these headings so we discover more ways to help you become more sustainable.  

Our Work


alexander abero OypnYfdiQgg unsplash Cleaner Colmore


robert collins tvc5imO5pXk unsplash Cleaner Colmore


cytonn photography n95VMLxqM2I unsplash Cleaner Colmore

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