Volunteer in Our Vibrant Business District

Colmore Business District is a hub of activity, events and community spirit. Here, local businesses, residents, and visitors come together to create a dynamic environment that is both welcoming and exciting.

Our District is not just a place to work and love; it’s a place to connect, give back, and make a difference.

That’s where you come in. We invite you to join our volunteering pool and become an integral part of our work.

Why Volunteer with Us?

Volunteering in Colmore Business District offers you an unique opportunity to engage with a diverse group of people, contribute to District, and help create a more vibrant and inclusive community. Here are just a few reasons why you should consider volunteering with us:

1. Make a Positive Impact: Your time and effort can help improve the quality of life in our District. Whether you’re assisting with community events, supporting local businesses, or helping to beautify public spaces, your contributions make a real difference.

2. Build Valuable Skills: Volunteering provides a chance to develop new skills or enhance existing ones. From event planning and customer service to marketing and public relations, our volunteer opportunities offer a wealth of learning experiences that can benefit you both personally and professionally.

3. Network and Connect: Volunteering for Colmore BID is a fantastic way to meet new people and expand your professional network. You’ll work alongside business owners, local leaders, and fellow volunteers, creating connections that can last a lifetime.

4. Strengthen Community Ties: By volunteering, you become a vital part of the fabric that holds our community together. Your efforts help foster a sense of unity and pride, making our District a better place for everyone.

Volunteering Opportunities

We offer a wide range of volunteering opportunities to suit different interests and schedules, including:

Event Support

Business Support

Community Beautification

Special Projects

To find out more about what we do, click here.

How to Get Involved

Ready to make a difference? Signing up to our volunteer pool below. By opting in to our volunteer database, we will share any opportunities as they become available. Let your employer know you’ve signed up too!

Volunteering in our District is more than just giving your time; it’s about becoming a part of something bigger. It’s about fostering community spirit, supporting local businesses, and creating a place where everyone can thrive. Your involvement can help shape the future of our District and make it an even better place to work, live and visit.

Volunteering opportunities

Sign up to hear about the exciting volunteering opportunities across the Colmore District!


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